Milwaukee Community Acupuncture shares it’s space with other like-­minded businesses which offer integrative health services at affordable prices. To schedule or learn more about these services and how they may benefit you, click the links below.

Milwaukee Community Acupuncture Services

Eastern Therapeutics - Click here to schedule a 20 minute Cupping, Gua Sha, or Orthopedic Acupuncture appointment. Appointments are Sliding Scale between $30-$60, pay what you can.

Infrared Sauna - Click here to schedule an infrared sauna appointment. For information on sauna benefits, cautions, and information on how to use the sauna, click Sauna FAQ’s - Sliding Scale $30-$50, pay what you can.

Services Within Our Shared Space

Foundation Chiropractic - $150 for initial appointment, $45 for adjustments

Healium Restore Yoga - $25 for single class, see website for additional pricing options

Michelle Warren - Somatic Experiencing and Myofascial Release - $100 per session

Ground Works Healing Arts - Maggie Moynihan, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) - 1 hour massage for $100